
Happy October everybody. It's been a great month here at RGNY. Busy as always!
It also happens to be one of my favorite times of the year. There's always a sense of heightened creativity (as people decorate for Halloween and prepare their costumes) and a chill in the air that makes you feel ALIVE. Enjoy!
See you at the studios.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Click Here to learn more & show your support.
All month long we will be dedicated to giving advice, direction and support to our staff concerning personal wellness!
Well, Fall has arrived and all vulnerable plants (and animals) need to be brought in to shelter and winterized. Don’t forget to put out your bird feeders and weatherproof your windows and doors!
We have just celebrated the one year anniversary of our new location " RG 305" at 305 West 38th street. A big shout-out of thanks to our past year’s clients including Joel Grey, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Fosse, Paul McCartney, Glenn Close, as well as the production and touring companies of “Dirty Dancing” (our first client), “SpongeBob SquarePants”, ” Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “Diana”, “Cher”,”Summer”  Bravo all!
Continuing in the spirit of Feng Shui: " RG 939", our 939 8th Avenue location (between West 55th and 56th streets) underwent major renovations. The studios are newly painted, with new floors, curtains, renovated dressing areas and a new waiting area on the 3rd floor; And the landlord is putting in a new lobby. Also, look for our new Ripley-Grier oval signs in the windows at our " RG West 72nd" location..
Again this is a good time of year to de-clutter your home and office. Spring and Fall are always the best seasons to begin, and end collecting and start anew. Go through your summer clothes (as well as winter clothes) and sell toss or give away unused/unwanted pieces.
Remember, this holiday season, to take it easy on saying “yes" to every invitation that comes along and keep your schedule less stressful. Plan ahead and start all holiday projects with timelines in place.
Have a wonderful spooky Halloween and we will see you in November.
Regards, Patricia
Email PatripleyNY@gmail.com for more info
Greetings and Happy October!
It’s getting cooler and cooler outside and the days are getting shorter. And it’s almost Halloween! (I don’t care how old I am — I’m still going trick or treating.)
A month & a half has already flown by of my second fall semester of college. I’m doing well in all of my classes. But as fun as some of them can be, there’s still a lot of work to keep up with (which can be stressful at times).
I recently went up to Albany to spend some time with my ”birth” mother and see my brothers.
I have been in touch with them since February and this was my third visit up there (I was born in Albany). It’s been great reconnecting with my extended family!
Since the last newsletter I have been to several concerts: “Portugal the Man” at Forest Hills, “Nothing but Thieves” at Irving Plaza and “NF” at Terminal 5. Looking forward to seeing “Twenty One Pilots” on the 27th at the Nassau Coliseum and ”Sir Sly” and “Joywave" tomorrow the 20th at Warsaw. Also, my Mom bought tickets for us for the Elton John tour next March.
Have a great Fall.. Jeannie
Jeannie is the teenage Daughter of RGNY Owners Patricia Ripley & Butch Grier
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Dear...
Patricia Ripley and William Deloatch!
Happy Birthday to you. And many more!
