
We're having a lot of fun this month at RGNY!
Congratulations to Celia Gurney, our 100,000th client! She was awarded $100 toward studio space. :)
Also, last weekend we had our Employee Appreciation Party at BOWLMOR LANES in Times Square. A great time was had by all, and if you happen to see Shayne Grier (manager @ 305 W. 38th St.), be sure to congratulate him on his high score.
Oh and... Happy Labor Day. Happy Rosh Hashanah. Happy Yom Kippur. Happy Grandparents Day. Happy Patriot Day. And... HAPPY FALL.
See you at the studios!
It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since we opened our 4th location in NYC.
Time Flies when you're having fun!
More improvements
to come!
As always we are committed to make your experience with us the very best.
We'd like to welcome the Tony Award-winning ATLANTIC THEATER COMPANY and are proud to serve as their "Home-Base" while they undergo renovations.
And if you don't know about "Atlantic", you should!!! Drawn from the teachings of Atlantic’s co-founders David Mamet and William H. Macy , they are committed to fostering the growth of the next generation of actors, artists, and storytellers who will expand and re-imagine contemporary theater.
Fall is here, and for some folks it is their favorite time of the year. I do love the fall foliage and the crisp but still warmish days. The beach is still great and biking the boardwalk is such fun.
 My lovely daughter, Jeannie, turned 19 this week and I am on my way to 72 in two weeks. In the past, I have been asked how I stay looking so young (always glad to hear); So I am going to give some fitness tips I have learned over the years. First, fitness is a state of mind. We cannot help the deal we were given concerning DNA and hereditary factors, but we can do our best. Do not smoke, it decreases your life expectancy, contributes to and can cause serious diseases and demonstratively ages your skin. Drink moderately (if you do) as alcohol dries out your skin and is detrimental to your liver and other organs. Eat healthy foods and balance your nutrition (more fruits & veggies). Drink water. Make the effort to exercise, move and be active (a tried and true investment in your health). Do not sit too much. Try to keep your weight within a healthy range. Get plenty of sleep (I get at least 8 to 9 hours per night and when possible a power nap in the late afternoon). Attend an age appropriate fitness class. Get out in the fresh air. Commit to walk in the park, on the beach, or even around the neighborhood regularly. Bike in pollution-free environments (as is possible). Get sunshine whenever you can (use sunscreen on your face). Getting sun is very important to absorb essential vitamins that the sun creates. Take care of your skin. Wash your face before bed using a mild cleanser, not soap. Do not use hot water on your face or body (it washes away the natural oils). Do not shower or bathe too often. Spot clean between showers; and if you just worked out, just rinse off and do not use soap. I was the personal trainer to Georgette Klinger, one of the queens of skin care. She said to use a mild makeup remover (if you use makeup) with lukewarm water on your face and finish with cool water and then a moisturizer before bed. In the morning do not use a cleanser, just rinse your face with lukewarm water and then cool water and apply moisturizer. Always finish with a cool (or if you can take it, cold) water rinse for hair and body (closes the pores).
Attend intellectual, entertaining activities (Museums, concerts, plays, lectures, movies, etc..).
The most important factor in keeping your well earned overall fitness is attitude! Be grateful for the blessings you do have. “Love the one you’re with.”  Socialize. Volunteer. Get behind a cause. Treat others with respect and try to have empathy for their life situations; Not just family, friends, neighbors or countrymen, but fellow humans who reside on this beautiful gift of a planet. Folks who struggle to meet their fate with dignity (or even without), as they are all part of the evolvement of all of us. Help others “rise up” in as many ways as possible, you will be helping all of humanity and increasing your own positive “karma”. 
Better and Better, Every Day in Every Way, Patricia
Email PatripleyNY@gmail.com for more info
Congrats to Jerry Over!
Our Cafe Host with the most has now been a non-smoker for 6 whole months! His victory has earned him a $500 cash prize from RGNY's Non-Smoking Incentive Program .
I hope everyone is having a great end of their summer. Fall is right around the corner!
I’ve started the fall semester of my second year of college at Hofstra University this month. I’m taking two TV classes, Italian and German. I love my classes so far, even though it’s a lot of work and I don’t get much time to relax. What’s been the most fun so far is playing with the Pep Band again. I have been chosen as a section leader We have already played at a few events including some soccer games and charity walks. I’m really looking forward to what’s to come this year. On September 18, I turned 19. I got a new electric piano and a new mattress as well as a great card made by Graham and a red envelope with $100.00 in it. This weekend I am going to see “Portugal the Man” at the Forest Hills Stadium with my Mom. I really enjoy the new Twenty One Pilots album and can’t wait to see them again. Last Saturday Ripley-Grier Studios had our annual Employee Appreciation Party and we held it at the Bowlmor lanes on West 47th street. We all had fun and my brother Shayne won the best score prize. It was fun.
Hope you all have a great start of your fall season. Jeannie.
Jeannie is the teenage Daughter of RGNY Owners Patricia Ripley & Butch Grier
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Dear...
Mike G., Ibraima, Eddie and Jeannie!
Happy Birthday to you. And many more!
